Environmental Impact Studies - EIA (Detailed and Semi-detailed)
We carry out the environmental diagnosis of the area of influence of a project, as well as identify, evaluate and assess the environmental impacts that could occur as a result of project execution activities, proposing in turn an environmental management strategy to prevent, mitigate or compensate for the potential impacts.
Preliminary Environmental Assessment – EVAP
We identify the global and local environmental problems of a project, providing knowledge about biotic, abiotic, socioeconomic and cultural environmental components. These studies are developed with available bibliographic information, which replaces the EIA in those cases in which the activities do not involve intensive or extensive use of the land.
Supporting Technical Reports - ITS
We made the Supporting Technical Report to support modifications to the approved environmental certification; such as extensions of the facilities, improvements in operations or in technology, among others; but as long as they represent only insignificant negative environmental impacts.
Preliminary Environmental Statements - DAP
We evaluate the environmental and social impacts caused by projects classified as Category I (SEIA), projects whose execution does not involve potential significant environmental or social impacts.
Environmental Adjustment and Management Plans - PAMA
We identify the negative environmental impacts that a project causes on the environment, and select the appropriate actions to mitigate or eliminate these impacts. The PAMA is a requirement for those projects that are in operation and that have been categorized environmentally in II and III Scales (SEIA).
Environmental Management Plans - PMA
We elaborate the technical document that considers a set of measures to avoid, mitigate, restore or compensate for foreseeable negative environmental impacts during the execution stages of an activity or project. It includes community relations plans, monitoring, contingency and abandonment according to the nature of the project, work or activity.