Our vision is to be the nationwide leading company in Property, Environmental and Archaeological Management of great infrastructure projects, in sectors such as, power, transportation, communications and mining; our company is known because of its quality and reliability, thanks to the commitment and ethical behavior of its members, searching to exceed our customers’ expectations and so, contribute with the country´s development.
Our mission is to facilitate the execution of infrastructure projects by means of Property, Environmental and Archaeological Management, guaranteeing the complete development of the work involved, meeting our customers´ expectations and of all stakeholders involved.
In 2015, we were awarded the National Prize for the MYPE 2014, which is the most important acknowledgement from the government to MYPE companies that have stand out in their sectors, and that have a positive impact on generating employment, innovation and productive diversification.
This award is annually awarded by the Ministry of Production, and in the last year 4,204 companies were part of the process, which only eleven were the winners.