Coysusac - Consultoria y Supervisión SAC



Easement establishment

We contract easements, and that is why we specialize in all kinds of negotiations. We have a broad experience contracting natural persons, peasant communities from the Costa, Sierra and Selva, companies and mining companies, providing a comprehensive advice in obtaining the required rights. For such purpose, we project contracts to be signed according to the project´s necessities and we provide legal advice for the development of all the documents required, job that finishes with the corresponding agreement registration in the Public Registry.

Community Relationships

Having taken part in the execution of multiple engineering projects, our Company has developed a good relationship management with the people influenced by the projects, both in a direct and indirect manner, obtaining optimal outcomes in contingency and possible social conflict solution.

Works accompaniment and license management

Ensuring the performance of scheduled times in projects so the customer can have the safety and reliability in the development of his activities.

Relocation of dwellings

Our Company does not only have experience in right formalization but also in taking down and relocating the houses that are located within the area of influence, in which the projects we represent are being developed, which allow our customers execute their projects according to their plans and terms.


We perform complete topographic studies, for which we have professionals and ideal teams for the georeferencing, satellite location, drafting of all kinds of drawings, demarcation of areas and zones of influence from projects, etc.

Request for Derogation according to the CNE (NEC)

We perform information collection and record development for derogation 1 and 2 request according to the National Electrical Code – Supply 2011, because of easement areas and transmission line safety deficiencies.

Zoning and Registry

Obtaining commercial prices in the easement area by defining homogenous areas and determining commercial values of such areas by using the market´s value. The registry includes the delimitation of interest areas by the project regarding the official documentation and according to the field run.


After performing our zoning and registration activities, we develop any kind of valuations related to the rights that are going to be provided regarding the areas of influence of the projects we are involved in, obtaining a reliable product and consistent with the good business practices.


We have acquired lands and contracted easements in numerous projects, which shows that we specialize in negotiations of all levels, having a broad experience to contract natural persons, companies, mining companies, peasant communities from the Costa, Sierra and Selva, providing comprehensive advice regarding the attainment of required rights.

Title study

Looking to provide a legal certainty in the contracting we are in charge of, our company carries out comprehensive study of titles, gathering information in the Public Registry, municipalities, registry generating and title providing entities.

That is why our service of title study provides the guarantee that allows our customers not only to ensure the fulfillment of their goals, but also, to safeguard them in case of any contingency that might come out in the future.

Physical and legal land clean up

Since we have a broad experience in the contracting of actual rights, our company is in charge of normalizing the land legal situation, having a broad experience in the management of notarial and registration processes that allow to clean up the lands that required the contracting (influenced by the projects we represent).

Contact us:

  • Av. Del Parque Sur N° 110 San Isidro.
  • Lima 27, Perú.
  • Telephone number +51 965 317 026